Technology Nile

Discord data breach data breach (August 2023)

According to a data breach notification filed with the US-based Office of the Maine Attorney General, only 180 of Discord’s 150 million monthly users had sensitive information exposed in the attack.

This breach affected a third-party service called, which allowed users to create custom invite links for their Discord servers. Hackers gained access to the database, exposing the personal information of over 760,000 users. The exposed data included usernames, email addresses, billing addresses (for a limited number of users), salted and hashed passwords, and Discord IDs.

Following the breach, shut down its operations and urged users to change their passwords on any other services where they used the same credentials. Discord itself was not affected by this breach.

Discord data breach

Discord customer support data breach (March 2023)

In this breach, an unauthorized user gained access to a customer support agent’s account, allowing them to steal data on service tickets. This data included personal information such as driver’s license numbers for 180 users. Discord notified affected users and offered them credit monitoring and identity theft protection services.


To prevent further damage, Discord is contacting affected users via email and offering credit monitoring and identity theft protection services.

Meanwhile, Discord has laid off about 37 employees, representing 4 per cent of its total workforce.

The hacker stole personal information such as driver’s licence numbers from 180 users’ service tickets.

It’s important to note that both of these breaches highlight the importance of using strong passwords and being cautious about what information you share online. If you’re concerned about your privacy on Discord, you can take steps to protect yourself, such as enabling two-factor authentication and being careful about who you share

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